Friday, August 29, 2008

Goin' to the lake

We're headed up to the lake for the weekend. A friend asked if we wanted to join them at her in-law's lake house for the long weekend and we pretty much jumped on it. It will just be the two families, which makes 4 adults and 5 children, for the most part. However, it's been rumored that her younger brother and his girl friend might join us at some point.
We will be there for 2 nights and each family is responsible for the meal for one night. We are making brisket, pasta salad, cole slaw and beans. I figure the cole slaw and beans will also be used at lunch times to go with sandwiches.
We'll go out on the boat, hang out and play games at the house, and who knows what else.
I'm excited, we haven't hung out with them as much as we really should have.... the hubbies have yet to spend a whole bunch of time together since I met Tall, Dark and Geeky.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, I'll post pics if I remember to buy some batteries.

Today's Horoscope

Hmm, are they sure this isn't TOMORROW'S horoscope?

Dear Alana,
Here is your horoscope
for Friday, August 29:

Today's activities are pretty low-key and shouldn't be taken too seriously, though at least one close friend may need some help to see that. You may need to distract them with other stuff.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So freaking graceful

And you know darn well I'm talking about myself. I managed to fall 3 times within a week. Monday night was the last time and I fell with full weight on my left wrist. I knew I'd only sprained it, so I iced it, elevated it and took some Advil.

Tuesday morning, after hubby had gone off to work, I was getting dressed for the day. The older boys had piano lessons and I had to take some time afterward to close out their teacher's candle show.

I ended up curled up on the bed in tears. I started calling Tall Dark and Geeky only to get his voice mail. Cell and desk phones both! The oldest child came in and tried calling while I spent some time remembering my Lamaze techniques.

Finally, he sends a text asking what was going on........ "pain, lots of pain" was my answer. He left work to come home and take me to the ER. We went to the closest hospital, just to get an x-ray to make sure I hadn't managed to break one of the many itty bitty bones in my hand.

The x-ray showed what I suspected already, it wasn't broken. They wrapped my hand and we left. Of course, it took us almost 5 hours to achieve that.

I'm fine, but really really annoyed at myself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olymipic Opening Ceremonies

I'm sitting here watching the most wonderful show. While I don't always agree with the way things are done in China, they do have an amazing history. The history and culture displayed in the opening games is absolutely awe inspiring.

I'm not very good with words. I can talk and babble all day, but I'm not a writer and I don't pretend to be. I cannot describe this to anyone who didn't watch it.

The word that has come to mind the most while watching has been WOW.

This was rambling, I'm sorry for that, but oh well, it's my blog, I can write how I want to :D

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dish Network- a vent

So, when we moved to the new house we cancelled our account with Dish Network. We couldn't get DSL at the new house, so if we had to get cable internet, we might as well go with cable television.
We had to cancel a contract, which is fine, we'll pay those fees willingly.

First, they were rude about us cancelling the contract. Told us it was going to cost us twice the actual cost to get out of the contract. We got that taken care of by talking to that person's manager.

They were going to send boxes to us to return their equipment. We said ok, we'll keep an eye out, please send those to the new address. They sent them 2 weeks after we moved to the OLD address. Since then, we have requested the boxes no less than 4 times. They have consistently sent the boxes either to the wrong town or the wrong street number (one that doesn't exist). We have also requested their address so that we could just pay for the shipping ourselves and get the equipment back to them, THEY REFUSED!!!!

Now, they have charged us $500, taking it directly out of the account. We have been charged for their incompetence.

At this moment, my husband is on the phone with these people AND at the same time, at the BBB website making a complaint.

